Most webmasters use to verify website traffic for the sites they manage through certain tools and software. Among the best ways to counter a traffic for a website for in dot .ro, for example are and, yet the most popular tool arond is still Google`s application, Analytics. The afore mentioned tracking application has gained lot of support due to the fact that it is free to use for any webmaster, no matter the size of the sites administrated by him and the speed on gathering data on a secure server.
Others prefer to use pre-installed systems, on computer, through which they are aware of all this information, whitout the need to log on to some other services like Google Analytics. Yet, most of these system have a price after their beta testing. The advantage of sites traffic metering systems is that they will be later installed on your computer are more complex and useful, they favor users with an added wrinkle.
Woopra is a traffic metering site that rely on a program installed on your computer and an account created on their official application website. Woopra provides not only statistics about the number of visitors, visits, and the best refferers, but also detailed information about searches, duration of the visit, location of the visitor and other information useful to the administrator, like a tool to comunicate with the users on the site, different ways of exporting the analytical data and some others that many online system fail to provide.
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